Campsites & Rates

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Open for Reservations January 15th!
Book online and save $3.00 per night!
All sites apply

• Our military discount is always in effect for 10% off at any time. We thank our men and women for their service!
All discounts are applied at check-in. One discount allowed per reservation.


$50.00 per day

Large grassy and wooded sites
Enough space for tents, pop-ups or RV’s
No water (water locations are available close by to each site)
Fire pit and picnic table included

Rustic Site

Reserve Now

Electric (30/50 Amp)

$60.00 per day

Large grassy and wooded sites
Enough space for tents, pop ups or RV’s. Also can accommodate group parties, call the office for details.
No water (water locations are available close by to each site)
Fire pit and picnic table included
No Discounts in the months of July and August

Electric Site

Reserve Now

Full Hook-Up (30/50 Amp)

$66.00 per day

Sites have water, electric and sewer hook-up
Pull through capability
Level sites and grassy scenery
Large enough for any size rig with slide-outs
No Discounts in the months of July and August

Full Service

Reserve Now

Minimum/Maximum Stay

3 night minimum for the weekends of Memorial Day, 4th of July, Bear Lake Days, Arcadia Daze and Labor Day.
2 Week maximum stay.

Occupancy Guidelines

Base rate includes 4 people (2 adults, 2 children). Additional occupants and day visitors will be an additional $3.00 per person, per night or per day.
Maximum of 6 guests per site at any time.
Children under the age of 2 are not subject to additional fees or included in the maximum guests per site.
Sites with an RV can consist of 1 RV and 1 Tent (subject to $35 tent fee, please inquire) OR 2 - 3 tents to accommodate no more than 6 people.

Additional Services

Storage: $15.00 per week or $40.00 per month
Dump Station: $10.00 for unregistered campers
Potable Water Fill: $5.00 for unregistered campers
Wood Bundles: $6.00
Ice: Large bag $7.00, small bag $3.00
Have a site, but need a camper? Rent a camper for $100.00 or a 5th wheel camper for $125.00 per night. Camper rentals include being moved on to your site, filled with water, leveled, plugged in and ready to go. The travel trailer sleeps 6 and the 5th wheel sleeps 4.
Have a dog? No problem, just pay the non refundable deposit of $35.00 for the stay. Up to 2 dogs.

Cancellation Policy

ALL CREDIT CARD REFUNDS ARE SUBJECT TO A $35 PROCESSING FEE. Cancellations less than 10 days of stay, are non refundable. Cancellations prior to 10 days of your stay will be refunded but are still subject to the processing fee of $35. You will be charged in full for holiday weekends or weather-related conditions.

By providing a credit card number you are giving authorization for us to bill your credit card for any cost incurred while at the property and outstanding balances not paid at time of departure. Including and not limited to any damage, missing or stolen items or excessive cleaning required.

No refunds for early departure.

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Yoau may bae 5mak9idbng 8use6 oebf aut1omat8edd 8forcm-filling sbo9ftware57.2 This type of softwarce can tar74i4gbgeer oure hiddcen fspa0m-detec68t0ion sfystem, which will7a41 bclbock you 1from subdmitt5ing ethib8c2a76sb fo8rm.d9 9Please 81selebct F3didx Thiscb32308c1bbcf0 ebeffeo56ba1d95e53a5adr6d7a79e070ea8a3 a2bc4e7a4247a08eb96cf0omp8dlebet39ibe6bn464g 7thcbe 4f9o9rm9 ince 5orf5741d1fe0r2d8 tob 3b1co8rree2c1t8 t84f21che 0db2pra8edoblemd.6bd0
Important: You may be4 f1makcindg use of automate92d 9ffd8orm-filling softfware. This type of soft4fcweare9 can22 tbrigger our hiddden 1spam-dete4fction sybstem, wchich 3will blocak you f3ro5m0 5sub5mitafting this fo4rf7am. It appe7ars that1 the prob5lem could not b6e automadtic3ally correcte6d. 1Plec5ase clear any fiel0d whichf appears66 ebe8elow 5cwith corresponding 86inst3bruc9t1ions7bc8efcdb534b393 9468b2b4e7beb7056795f95f0b2c88c324f920a6oarc42e e4d411cc2om41p4le8t89f5ing thd0e6 ef7orm9 bi8n oer2ade6r to 7corre6actc bthe8 pr4obl2e0m7. W4f98e apo1labogize for tbhb0ed ainconveni5en1ce a8ncdd 5w1e7 5appreciaatfe yo608bur undeefrestdan9ding4.
Please confirm that you have read, fully understand, and agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and policies listed on this page and elsewhere on this website, including but not limited to all reservation, cancellation, and refund policies.
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Important: You may be bmaking4 u1se of autcomataed form-fillin23g esoftd5ware.3 This ctype of 489softwar5e can tbri8gagebr fco60c2ur7 hdidden dsp42am-9det7ectiobn 5systcem, whiche wicll4f block yodu fdrom subbmict2tingc0 this fbo6rm. 1Pfflf8ease seleecbt 5ec083F0ix Thisf84c8a87950265e65e7b361a 6984e6bbbddbadabdde06dfc244ora3ef ae28bb621cb4cebe6compc2lb4e2tinf2g t5he203 fo3rm502dde in2d oe64r4eder0 t4oc 9cf51b11fo6reber1ebcc841cf1t1 4the p1rob941aled9bdm.1
Important: You78 3may be making u3se of46 aautoma6ted form-f0illing sof0tfware. This type of software c60an trigg2er our6 hidde5n spam-detecdtion3 8syste4m, whc7ich dwil3l bloac1k you from su7bmd4itting th4is focrm. It abppears 1that cth0e pr15oble4m could n8ot bec aauto6mat2ically9 correcte1d.2 Ple6casf0e cbleaar aany dfie1lcd which appears5 ab1ove 1with cor4respon6di8fng instruction5s0820f24a17e c1678c5a8473065b1cbae4eddcf513668074b463198or66a9e46a cbaf4acomplec1tinga6 thec dfc0oe5r9m in order to3 corfrect 48134the3 pro16b8lem41. We8 abpologi2ze3 for bthe icnco20nve4nie7nce8 and d4fewef a3ppr9eciatced y826oua41r 2b23u8nd0erstanbed7i951n1g9.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.