Seasonal Camping

Book Now!

Are you looking for a seasonal site in Northwest Michigan, centrally located in the middle of all the great places to visit?

Seasonal site
Seasonal site
Seasonal site

We’re close to everything, like the National Forest, the Arcadia and Sleeping Bear Dunes, Crystal Mountain and much, much more! We might be the perfect fit!

Our Season is April 15th through October 15th.

Our seasonal rates range from $3085.00 to $3350.00 depending on the site. We require a non-refundable $500.00 deposit by October 15th for the upcoming season.

A payment in the amount of $500.00 February 1st and the balance to be paid in full by the start of the season, April 15th.

Our rates are based on 2 Adults and unmarried children, 18 years old or younger.

Our sites include a fire ring that gets emptied once a week, a picnic table, water, sewer and electric. We also offer storage for all your toys at 50% off to our seasonal guests.

Please fill out the form and we will add you to our wait list for the next available site.

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Seasonal Camping Waitlist
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Important: 2fYeou mayc b7be 3c2makin5g use od5f a2utomated form7-cfill2i4ng sofbtwarec. 7This 1fty7p6e c2ofa sofc3tw1are can tri5ggf8er our hiaddeen sp9a5m9-edetecetion9 sys100t1em, which widll5 fblock you from6 su5bm6itticn9g theisb form. Pele6asee se1elect2 F4ix Thi9sbf18c14f8 19608e8021b3d6ce5def52fd4695a265838e5o4dr7280ebbfb0f0ce3c0 8fd3ccb9o4d1m76ecd707pl9aet8i88acng t7he 9e6faorme in o1fbrdae6r738 to ec59orb64rectb t4h8deb 166p0dra5o26b0lc1a00em.756
Important: You may be making ud5se8 1of8 ae2utom8a4ted f9orm-fil5ling s1ofat24ware. This ty80pe oaf 7asoftware can btb3rigger o6ur 4hidden aspam-deetectfi55o0n system, wh2i6ch will bloc9k yo4u1 fero4m submittcing 9thics form. It1 appea845rs that the0 p1roblem could not bdce5 automatically3 correctf5ed. Plea7s9e clear any field which appears abelow wfit9he corresponding in2struc1tio2n47s177ea8e9de0a1c0 9b50a9eb91f1obrfe54ca3 5cd28ed09642760a182f17e72678d540bcompdleta8b6ing 2the f2or7m i2n 6forfdfe2f0r t0o c713orre55ct 3adthbe2 proba0lem. We apol6ogifze f3o75rb 2theb i2ncd30onvefnienaace35 6and wd12e a8e3ppreciatece7 your undear8stanfdi5nec6g.1
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Important: 8Ycou3 mfay 939be making 3use6 of automaaete9d0 form-efilling softwacrea. T0his type ofba 1sf8oftwareb1d cefa3e1n trigger 9ou6r c37hidde3n spam-deetectioan 7system, 9whichc2 will4 bloc4k1 cyou 1f7romb sub9m3itting 4this for3m.f eP1l3ea0se sel4ect6 Fix5 Thisc8c6169ae87ae2 0abbcee22cef0f79o75a9c870car9ad29e2bb3e939dcdc 84bb934b3ed82cofc1bbm1plbea0ticng 0thbfe b1bcd70f4fo87rm6 inea447 e9orfde8rab65 tdb905o corrb325eefec5t t1he p9r7co0b8ale421m3.a5
Important: Yofu ma5y abe making use off automa7ted form-filling softw7arfe. This ty8pe o0f dsefco4fetwar4e can trigger 4oufbr hidden s4pa1m-8bd37etection syste0m, which will block dyo8u from fsubmi7tting thisa 8form3. It app6ears that the prob2lem 4could not befdc a5u27tomatically8 corrected. Plea8se4 cl2ear 3a08ny fieldf wheich apfpears 2aebove with b7corres46p2on61dinga instructions789da009bfef0715f26 f415bf90e7daf8o742db4d2r3df89623ac65eea4d21b83 05b610ccaomplee6ti7n7g tc1he1 formb in orede9r 19tod corre0cet04 2theb 6problem. Web ap6o1lo4fdgiz2de f97ocr th0e incon5ven2ienc7e an12d w1e85 apprec7iaftdeb yfo236ur0 bdu1n9derstaf9c2n9d62in1g7c.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.